Increasing Marketshare with existing products by leveraging Industrie 4.0

Using the German Industrie 4.0™ capabilities for implementing your Digital Project by qualifying your employees to increase productivity

Goal:                  Gaining marketshare with productivity increase 

Duration:        4 weeks / 6h per week

Outcome:       Incresing share of wallet by existing customers/markets 

Coaching:       Weekly Group Coaching

Approach:      E-learning Framework with 4 Steps

Price:                   €1987

International Partner

The Power of Industrie 4.0 Research

The Indusrie 4.0™ Profit Improvement Program assists companies to drive productivity and revenue

The Industrie 4.0™program assist companies to improve profitability with Industrie 4.0 qualification of employees. Participation in this program will increase speed and reduce risk when pursuing new, technology opportunities. This program seeks to have a well-balanced mix of e-learning tools, online 1:1 interaction with external experts, review sessions and workshops towards company specific hands-on digital projects.

The Program Outline

Free Preview Lessons in all 13 Modules

    1. Launch of Ireland’s Industry 4.0 Strategy

    2. Industrie 4.0 at IMR : National Life Sciences & Engineering Expo

    3. How to use this program

    4. Industrie 4.0 Program Introduction

    5. Your Learning Guide

    6. Step 1: Presentation for defining the Digital Project

    7. Step 2a: The Irish Manufacturing Research services

    8. Step 2b: Deep Dive: Digital Automation- Process Industry Use case

    9. Step 2c: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Assembly Industry

    10. Step 3a: Online Workshop - Teams

    11. Step 3b: Self-Reflection Quiz

    12. Step 4a: Creative Assignment: Defining your I4.0 Project- Guidance

    13. Step 4b: Creative Assignment: Defining your I4.0 Project- Templates

    14. Step 5a: Team Project -Online Feedback & Coaching

    15. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

    1. Forming virtual Teams

    2. Your Learning Guide

    3. Step 1a: Presentation: for Building Virtual Teams

    4. Step 1b: Virtual teams quiz

    5. Step 2a: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Virtual Teams

    6. Step 2b: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Resources

    7. Step 3a: Self-Reflection: Virtual Teams Self Assessment

    8. Step 3b: Online Team Workshop - Teams

    9. Step 3c: Access to Team Work Space: Teams

    10. Step 4a: Assignment Virtual Teams Guide

    11. Step 4b: Creative Assignment: Create your Virtual Team

    12. Step 5a: Online Feedback & Coaching Meeting- Teams

    13. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

    1. The Industrie 4.0 Revolution

    2. Your Learning Guide

    3. Step 1a: Presentation Digital Transformation

    4. Step 1b Tutorial Digital Transformation

    5. Step 2a: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Tutorials

    6. Step 2b: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Resources

    7. Step 3a: Online Team Workshop - Teams

    8. Step 3b: Self-Reflection Quiz: Digital Transformation

    9. Step 4: Creative Assignment Handbook; Build the Transformational Company

    10. Step 5a: Online Feedback & Coaching Meeting - Teams

    11. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

    1. Digital leadership capabilities

    2. Your Learning Guide

    3. Step 1a: Presentation Digital Leadership

    4. Step 1b: Tutorial Digital Leadership

    5. Step 2a: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Tutorials

    6. Step 2b: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Resources

    7. Step 3a: Online Team Workshop - Teams

    8. Step 3b: Self-Reflection Quiz

    9. Step 3c: Self Reflection Survey: Building deep trust relationship

    10. Step 4a: Creative Assignment: Assess Digital Leadership Capability-Guide

    11. Step 4b: Creative Assignment: Assess Digital Leadership Capability-Templates

    12. Step 5a: Online Feedback & Coaching Meeting- Teams

    13. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

    1. Knowledge Work: Opportunities & Challenges

    2. Your Learning Guide

    3. Step 1a: Presentation Knowledge Co-Creation

    4. Step 1b: Tutorials Knowledge Co-creation

    5. Step 2: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Knowledge Co-Creation

    6. Step 3a: Online Team Workshop - Teams

    7. Step 3b: Self-Refection Quiz Co-Creation

    8. Step 4a: Creative Assignment: Building Knowledge Co-Creation-Guide

    9. Step 4b: Creative Assignment: Building Knowledge Co-Creation-Template

    10. Step 5a: Online Feedback & Coaching Meeting - Teams

    11. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

    1. Digital Product Management

    2. Your Learning Guide

    3. Step 1: Strategic Product Program Presentation

    4. Step 2a: Deep Dive Learning- IoT Introduction

    5. Step 2a: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Industrial Internet of Things

    6. Step 2b: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Artificial Intelligence

    7. Step 2c: Deep Dive Learning & Development; Manufacturing-as-a-Service/The Micro-Plant

    8. Step 2d: Digital Product Management

    9. Step 2d: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Reading Links

    10. Step 2d: Deep Dive Learning & Development: Resources

    11. Step 3a: Online Team Workshop- Teams

    12. Step 3b: Self-Reflection Quiz 1

    13. Step 3c: Self-Reflection Quiz 2

    14. Step 4a: Evaluate your I4.0 Revenue Potential for your Products

    15. Step 4b; Evaluate your I4.0 Revenue Potential for the Production of your Customer

    16. Step 4c: Evaluate your I4.0 Revenue Potential for the Supply Chain of your Customer

    17. Step 4d: Evaluate your I4.0 Productivity Potential of your Production

    18. Step 4e: Evaluate your I4.0 Productivity Potential of your Supply Chain

    19. Step 4f: Define the Project Portfolio

    20. Step 5a: Online Feedback & Coaching Meeting - Teams

    21. Step 5b: Digital Project Review Survey

About this course

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  • 190 Lektionen
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Watch Intro Video

Industrie 4.0: The Irish Manufacturing Research

Irish Manufacturing Research is a leading Research and Technology Organisation providing a portfolio of research, training and consultancy services to Industry across 4 thematic pillars: Digitisation, Sustainable Manufacturing, Design for Manufacturing, Automation and Advanced Control.

Irish Companies Who Closed The Growth Gap With Export Sales Funnels

Our Up-skilling Experience in Digital Business Developoment Skills

Online Program Participants

What was the benefit?

Manufacturing 4.0 Program

John Mee // Global Supply Planning Director at Grifols

Delighted to have earned a Digital Masters in "Manufacturing 4.0", the 4th industrial revolution, recognized in broad terms as the merge of digital and physical value systems. For reference the 1st, 2nd and 3rd industrial revolutions are referenced respectively by the advent of steam power / water power, advances in manufacturing, production and transportation systems, telecommunication and information system advances. The accreditation ex Technologie Management Gruppe (Munich) in partnership with Irish Manufacturing Research, was delivered excellently by Dr Paul Gromball. The program highlighted that products and the horizontal and vertical value chains they transfer through, coupled with leadership models that govern their design to delivery, are all open to increasing digitization and connectivity. Secondary research sources (several, hence not cited directly) indicate that there are perhaps less than 20% of industrial based companies that have digitized significant processes within their value chains to date, with this figure expected to be above 75% within 5 years. Directing and planning a 4.0 strategy for increased business growth opportunities is now a corporate agenda item.

How it works

The program is designed to be a mix of specific e-learning modules (see program outline), followed up by assignments and live sessions either in group or per company to discuss the content at hand and ensure the maximum applied individual take-away for your company specific case. The developed digital projects will then be moved to real-life company interaction .Industry specialists will join forces and contribute to the best possible outcome of the program.

Why you should join: The current Covid-19 crisis has emphasized even further the importance of not just the technical application of digital tools and methods but most importantly the necessity to develop organizations and digital strategies that are capable and resilient enough to take advantage of the chances and opportunities arising. In the program we seek to develop new technology strategies for your business and have the possibility to apply them in practice.

digitalMasters Certificate

Capability Development: In-demand subjects, endorsed by employers/ Flexibility: Flexible Design allows learners to apply the certificate in their career for the next level.

This Degree is offered in cooperation with our Partner Research Institutions

Project-, Performance- and Portfolio-Based Learning

We support companies in implementing their digitization projects by qualifying employees specifically for new digital and leadership tasks.

Key take-aways ; Increased competence in models and tools for improving profitability with digital , Concrete development of company specific digital strategies and projects, Identification of new business opportunities for increasing revenue and operational efficiency. 1:1 online meetings with Subject-Mater Experts The e-learning on demand approach helps to overcome four Barriers to Change:1. Perception problem: We don’t know we’re behind. 2. Knowledge problem: We know we’re behind but we don’t know what to do about it. 3. Motivation problem: We may know what to do, but we don’t do it. 4. Capabilities/coordination problem: We know what to do and we want to do it, but we can’t get it done.

Who should join

The program targets specifically manufacturing companies from all industrial sectors experiencing a decline in profitability due to recent developments and feel the need to strengthen their digital competence in order to establish robust improvements. Since the program covers technical as well as strategic and operational aspects it is advised that these levels of the participating companies also join the program at some point throughout the program.

Time commitment All 13 Modules can be finished in a 12 weeks’ time span / Time commitment for a selected module: Self-service e-learning preparation 2-5h over a week/ Company specific project work 4-6h/ Optional Life Workshop 4h

Dr. Paul Gromball: Program Lead

I help you to achieve your business growth goal without hiring consultants by enabling you and your team with tailored self-service knowledge and skills. Mail: [email protected]

Management (CEO) , Consulting (McKinsey) and Learning Experience (MIT, Harvard) of more than 30 years in developing and implementing strategic, operational and organizational performance improvements at global enterprises and medium-sized businesses. Working expertise in a variety of management areas including, strategy, sales-and marketing, cost-reduction, supply chain management, manufacturing (MES), sourcing, IT management,reorganization and M&A/ post merger integration. Focus oncompanies of the Process-Industry (pharmaceuticals, chemistry, steel),Assembly-Industry (automotive, automotive-supplier, engineering,electronics) Consumer Goods (food, clothing, household appliances) and Services (logistics, airlines)