Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

My AI-Consultant for Innovation

"My AI Consultant for Product Innovation" presents a creative solution that is revolutionizing the landscape of Innovation.

This tailor-made AI consultant not only provides comprehensive support, but also a tailored approach to each innovation development project. By integrating advanced artificial intelligence, "My AI-Consultant" optimizes the entire development process, accelerates decision-making, and improves efficiency. Their ability to continuously develop their learning means that the consultant will become even more precise and adaptable over time. The solution promises not only a competitive advantage, but also a higher speed of innovation. "My AI Consultant for Innovation" marks a game-changer for companies looking for a creative partner to take their Innovation initiatives to the next level.

My AI-Consultant is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize the innovation process

By combining innovative prompts, advanced methodologies, and AI-driven outputs, it becomes an invaluable asset for companies seeking to enhance their innovation development strategies and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

Process: The AI-Consultant streamlines the innovation process, automating key stages from ideation to market launch. It ensures a systematic workflow, enhancing efficiency and reducing time-to-market. b) Method: Utilizing advanced methodologies, the consultant employs data-driven techniques to analyze market trends, assess feasibility, and optimize design and production processes. It contributes valuable insights at every stage of product development. c) Prompt Engineer: Acting as a Prompt Engineer, the AI-Consultant stimulates critical thinking and creativity. It prompts users to explore innovative ideas, refine product features, and consider alternative approaches, ensuring a comprehensive and well-considered development strategy. d) Prompt: The AI-Consultant generates prompts that guide users through the innovation journey. These prompts encourage thoughtful consideration of customer needs, market dynamics, and emerging technologies, fostering a holistic approach to creating successful products. e) AI Output: Leveraging sophisticated machine learning algorithms, the AI-Consultant produces actionable outputs. It provides data-driven insights into market demands, potential risks, and optimization opportunities, enabling informed decision-making throughout the innovation lifecycle.

Prompt-Engineer: Co-Working with AI reduces uncertainty

Prompt-Engineering, when co-working with AI, emerges as a powerful strategy for reducing uncertainty in problem-solving and decision-making processes.

At its core, prompt engineering is rooted in natural language processing (NLP), aiming to uncover inputs that yield desirable and useful outcomes. The collaborative approach of co-working with AI involves several key steps. Firstly, it entails choosing the appropriate method or framework to initiate the process, aligning it with the specific objectives at hand. Through iterative experimentation with prompts, users can fine-tune their approach, learning and adapting along the way. This dynamic process facilitates the creation of new and innovative ideas, as the synergy between human insights and AI capabilities fosters a continuous flow of creativity. Additionally, the prompt-engineering approach allows for the swift generation of results, enabling users to explore a variety of options rapidly. Co-working with AI through prompt engineering, therefore, not only mitigates uncertainty but also propels a collaborative and iterative problem-solving methodology that leverages the strengths of both human cognition and artificial intelligence.

The AI Innovation Factory introduces a groundbreaking concept known as Business Augmented LLM (Language Model).

By concentrating on a rapid, structured, and efficient approach to innovation, the Factory aims to significantly reduce innovation risks

This approach involves leveraging advanced language models to enhance business processes, streamline workflows, and drive innovation with unprecedented speed. One notable achievement is the AI Consulting Factory's ability to achieve higher prediction accuracy than GPT-4 for complex problem-solving in isolation. This underscores the Factory's commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation by harnessing the power of cutting-edge AI technologies. Through Business Augmented LLM, the AI Innovation Factory emerges as a trailblazer, providing businesses with a transformative tool to navigate the complexities of problem-solving and innovation in today's dynamic and competitive landscape.

My AI-Consultant : Easy accessibility and use

My AI-Consultant sets itself apart with its commitment to easy accessibility and user-friendly operation.

Designed for seamless integration into various workflows, the consultant prioritizes a straightforward and intuitive user experience. One of its standout features is Intelligent Prompting with Multiple Perspectives, offering users a comprehensive system view. This multifaceted perspective encompasses predictions, optimal solutions, and informed decision-making. The consultant not only provides valuable insights but also ensures that users can navigate the complex landscape of information with clarity and efficiency. By combining accessibility with intelligent prompting, My AI-Consultant becomes a versatile tool, empowering users to make well-informed decisions and achieve optimal outcomes across diverse scenarios.

The S5 Q* Algorithm stands as a powerful tool for achieving business goals with precision and efficiency.

Its dynamic learning capability allows for continuous adaptation to new prompts, ensuring that the algorithm remains responsive to evolving challenges and opportunities.

At its core, the algorithm focuses on the optimization of predictions, systematically identifying the best actions to achieve defined business objectives. This feature makes it particularly well-suited for scenarios where clear and specific goals need to be accomplished. By seamlessly integrating dynamic learning and prediction optimization, the S5 QAlgorithm emerges as a strategic asset for businesses, providing a tailored and effective approach to goal achievement in an ever-changing landscape.

AI navigation through innovation uncertainty involves a dual strategy: Prompt-Engineering and AI Prediction Accuracy.

Prompt-Engineering and AI Prediction Accuracy create a symbiotic relationship, empowering organizations to chart a confident course through the intricate landscape of innovation uncertainty, fostering adaptability and resilience.

Firstly, Prompt-Engineering serves as a dynamic approach to guide the exploration of innovative solutions amidst uncertainty. By using this technique, users can fine-tune their inputs and prompts to navigate through complex problem spaces, promoting creative problem-solving. Secondly, AI Prediction Accuracy becomes a crucial pillar in navigating uncertainty, providing a reliable compass for decision-making. The precision of AI predictions ensures that businesses can make informed choices even in the face of ambiguity.


Generative Innovation Program for Entrepreneurs



    3. ChatGPT's Origins, Applications, Challenges, Future Prospects

    4. Generative AI Explained. a Comprehensive Review

    1. Studiengang Flyer

    2. Digital Business Management -Studienrichtung


    1. AI Innovation Introduction

    2. What is AI : Basic to SUPER INTELLIGENCE

    3. Prompt Engineering Lecture

    4. Prompt Engineering -Lecture German

    5. Explaining Q* (Q Star) Breakthrough

    6. Prompt Engineering -Lecture Notes -English

    7. Prompt Engineering -Lecture Notes -German

    8. AI PARADOX in Tomorrow's World

    9. Neuralink and AGI: The Dawn of Cognitive Augmentation

    1. Die Zeppelin Universität: Entrepreneur Education


    3. Generative Innovation Handbook: German

    4. Co-Working with Generative AI

    5. Discover the Business Potential of Generative AI

    6. Empowered People and Groundbreaking Innovations Deliver Your Future

    7. Enterprise AI: Hype or Reality?

    8. Why AI Will Spark Exponential Economic Growth

    9. Power and prediction: The disruptive economics of artificial intelligence

    10. What's the future for generative AI?

    11. OpenAI's AGI soon! A Deep Dive into Artificial General Intelligence

    12. OpenAI's AI Governance Practices

    13. How to Stay Competitive Through Disruption

    1. Bulletproof Problem Solving: The One Skill That Changes Everything

    2. Solving Complex Problems: 4S Model

    3. Problem-Solving mit KI-Einführung


    5. Problem Statement with Prompt Engineering-Lecture

    6. Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula

    7. Prompt Engineering Tutorial – Master ChatGPT and LLM Responses

    8. Math Meets AI: A New Era of Problem-Solving

    9. Problem-Solving & Decision Making

    1. Digital Product Management

    2. Preperation; Product Manager Profile

    3. Product Manager Soft Skills

    4. Forming Virtual Teams

    5. Program Preperation: Building Your Virtual Teams

    6. Teams and Agile Processes

    7. ASSIGNMENT: Forming Your Virtual Team

    8. Business Model Canvas as Starting Point

    9. Step 1: Vision of the Business

    10. Step 2: Generating Hypothesis

    11. Step 3: Designing a Minium Viable Product- MVP

    12. Product Management Requirements

    13. Product Management Designing MVPs

    14. Step 4: Measuring Market Response: Go-To-Markt

    15. GTM Iterations

    16. GTM Simplifying

    17. Market Response

    18. Measurement

    19. Product Metrics

    20. Step 5: Assessing Profit and Loss

    21. Step 6: Road-mapping

    22. Product Road mapping Observations

    23. Product Manager Lessons Learned

    24. Fundamentals of AI Product Management

About this course

  • €1.250,00
  • 179 Lektionen
  • 1 Stunde Videoinhalt

Start-up Support

Ihr Handbuch: Künstliche Intelligenz im Mittelstand

Handlungsempfehlungen für den Mittelstand in der Ära der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Herzlich willkommen zu dem Buch "Künstliche Intelligenz im Mittelstand: Erfolgsfaktor für die digitale Transformation- Handlungsempfehlungen für den Mittelstand in der Ära der Künstlichen Intelligenz". In einer Zeit, in der Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) einen immer größeren Einfluss auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ausübt, stehen Unternehmen vor der spannenden Aufgabe, die Potenziale dieser Technologie für sich zu erschließen. Der Mittelstand, als Rückgrat der Wirtschaft, nimmt hierbei eine entscheidende Rolle ein. Die Anwendung von KI birgt immense Chancen für mittelständische Unternehmen, von der Automatisierung von Prozessen über die Optimierung der Produktion bis hin zur Personalisierung des Kundenerlebnisses. Gleichzeitig stehen sie jedoch vor Herausforderungen wie dem Fachkräftemangel, Datenschutzfragen und ethischen Überlegungen. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, mittelständischen Unternehmen eine umfassende Orientierungshilfe zu bieten. In zwölf Kapiteln werden wir uns mit den verschiedenen Aspekten von Künstlicher Intelligenz im Mittelstand auseinandersetzen und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen präsentieren.

Künstliche Intelligenz im Mittelstand

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Dr. Paul Gromball: Program Lead

Dr. Paul Gromball is a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in developing and implementing strategic, operational, and organizational improvements for global enterprises and medium-sized businesses.

Dr. Paul Gromball's educational background includes a Masters & PhD degree in Computer Science & Economics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, and a Master's degree in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Business School in the United States.He has a proven track record in strategy, sales and marketing, supply chain management, IT management, reorganization, and M&A/post-merger integration. Dr. Gromball began his career as a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company before moving on to leadership roles in digital companies, where he leveraged AI-enabled workforce to drive growth and profitability. He has deep expertise in the process, assembly, consumer goods, and services industries. As CEO of a digital company, he focused on implementing AI into existing processes to drive efficiency and productivity. Dr. Gromball is a strategic thinker and strong communicator, able to translate complex challenges into actionable plans and build consensus among stakeholders.