Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. Why Zero Energy Design ?

    3. Energy & Power

    4. Heat balance

    5. Test Your learning

    6. Questions and Contributions

    7. Assignment: Analysing the current energy consumption-Video

    8. Assignment: Analyzing the current energy consumption

    9. Assignment: Analysee the current energy consumption of your building

    10. Before we begin...

    11. Added knowledge

    1. Introduction Research

    2. The Climate

    3. Principles of Bioclimatic Design

    4. Test Your learning

    5. House redesign example

    6. Smart bioclimatic design

    7. Assignment. Climate Video

    8. Assignment:

    1. Indroduction to reduce

    2. Smart bio climatic Designs

    3. Test Your learning

    4. Thermal insulation

    5. Ventilation

    6. Energy-neutral office Building

    7. Sustainable design Example

    8. Assignment: Reduce

    1. Reuse Introduction

    2. Heat Recovery

    3. Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners

    4. Energy Storage

    5. Test Your learning

    6. Energetic programming

    7. Assignment

    1. Produce Introduction

    2. Energy-Neutral Building

    3. Zero-Energy Design

    4. Solar

    5. Biomas

    6. Environmental Energy

    7. Test Your learning

    8. Assignment

    1. Integrate : Introduction

    2. Integrated design

    3. Assignment

About this course

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  • 45 Lektionen
  • 3 Stunden Videoinhalt