Why is this subject important for Business: Entrepreneurship is the creation of value by building a process of designing, launching and running a new business.

Participation in this course will increase speed and reduce risk when pursuing new, digital business opportunities. Each course is tailor-made for a group of companies having products, services or technologies that solve problems in specific sectors or industries

Course Outline

Moving to Industrie 4.0™ Readiness

    1. A message from the instructor

    2. Before we begin...

    1. A1) The Industrie 4.0 Impact on Business Models

    2. A2) The Roadmap to Success

    3. A3) Build the Value Proposition

    4. A4) Vision, Mission, Culture

    5. A5) Industrie 4.0 Business Models

    6. A6) Turning-Products into companies

    7. A7) Hiring Talents

    8. A8) Go-to-Market Strategy & Tactics

    9. A9)Investor pitch

    10. B): Entrepreneurship Presentation

    1. Copy of Deep Dive Skill Development

    1. A) Test Your Learning :Quiz

    2. C) Access to Team Work Space: Teams

    1. Assignment: Develop MaaS Business Model

About this course

  • €497,00
  • 20 Lektionen
  • 0 Stunden Videoinhalt

Talent development: The Learning & Development perspective

Foster Entrepreneurship of Business with e-Learning & Development Perspective

Industry Applications: The learning in this program can be applied to virtually any industry. The course work is specially applicable to Manufacturing, Pharma, Retail, Logistics, smart cities, agriculture

How it works

The program is designed to be a mix of specific e-learning modules (see program outline), followed up by assignments and live sessions either in group or per company to discuss the content at hand and ensure the maximum applied individual take-away for your company specific case. The developed digital projects will then be moved to real-life company interaction .Industry specialists will join forces and contribute to the best possible outcome of the program

Why you should join: The current Covid-19 crisis has emphasized even further the importance of not just the technical application of digital tools and methods but most importantly the necessity to develop organizations and sales strategies that are capable and resilient enough to take advantage of the chances and opportunities arising. In the program we seek to develop new technology strategies for your business and have the possibility to apply them in practice.

Professional Certificate Course

Career-relevant: Designed to build or advance skills for specific career/ Skill-Based: In-demand skills and actionable knowledge needed for today`s job/Short in Length: On average a week to complete

Project-, Performance- and Portfolio-Based Learning

We support companies in implementing their digitization projects by qualifying employees specifically for new digital and leadership tasks.

Key take-aways ; Increased competence in models and tools for improving profitability with digital , Concrete development of company specific digital strategies and projects, Identification of new business opportunities for increasing revenue and operational efficiency. 1:1 online meetings with Subject-Mater Experts The e-learning on demand approach helps to overcome four Barriers to Change:1. Perception problem: We don’t know we’re behind. 2. Knowledge problem: We know we’re behind but we don’t know what to do about it. 3. Motivation problem: We may know what to do, but we don’t do it. 4. Capabilities/coordination problem: We know what to do and we want to do it, but we can’t get it done.

Who should join & Time commitment

The course targets specifically manufacturing companies from all industrial sectors experiencing a decline in profitability due to recent developments and feel the need to strengthen their digital competence in order to establish robust improvements The course targets specifically manufacturing companies from all industrial sectors

Time commitment for the course : Self-service e-learning preparation 2-5h over a week/ Company specific project work 4-6h/ Optional Life Workshop 4h

Dr. Paul Gromball: Course Lead

I help employees and managers use Digital Technologies to generate business outcomes like productivity, sales and innovation

Management (CEO) and Consulting Experience (McKinsey) of more than 30 years in developing and implementing strategic, operational and organizational performance improvements at global enterprises and medium-sized businesses. Working expertise in a variety of management areas including, strategy, sales-and marketing, cost-reduction, supply chain management, manufacturing (MES), sourcing, IT management,reorganization and M&A/ post merger integration. Focus oncompanies of the Process-Industry (pharmaceuticals, chemistry, steel),Assembly-Industry (automotive, automotive-supplier, engineering,electronics) Consumer Goods (food, clothing, household appliances) and Services (logistics, airlines)