The Energy Systems Challenge

The Energy Trilemma

The goal of the Paris agreement: Reduce the carbon emissions from the energy system radically. If we could build the required capacity in time, we would risk frequent local blackouts when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. We could use batteries when there is less generation from renewables, but that would be prohibitively expensive.

With this, we would like our energy system to have three characteristics: 

  1. Sustainable: we want to phase out fossil fuels and their emissions.
  2. Affordable
  3. Reliable: This is essential for our modern society.

These three goals form a trilemma because they are often at odds with each other. It is easy to design an affordable energy system if you disregard the other two goals. And it is still manageable if you want that system to rely on renewable energy sources, as long as you are willing to sacrifice reliability. However, doing all three at the same time is a great challenge. Decisions involve trade-offs - and they involve making the best possible use of available information and technologies.

Types of decisions in energy systems

  1. Consideration: Thinking about the energy transition in the longer term means we need to think about the system we would like to have – and how we will get there.
    Decision: The relevant decisions from this long-term perspective are investment decisions. What do we build and where? 
  2. Consideration: In the shorter term, we need to consider the system we actually have. How can we best use this system while balancing sustainability, affordability and reliability?
    Decision: That is primarily done using dispatch decisions: when do we use energy – and from which source? 

At the national or continental scale, where investment decisions could be about creating a hydrogen backbone or the closure of nuclear power plants. Dispatch decisions are primarily left to the markets in liberalized electrical power systems. Still, the transmission system operators play an essential part in adjusting the market dispatch if necessary, to ensure the grid’s reliability.

On the other hand, the same framework can be applied to local energy systems, down to the scale of your own home. The long-term decision problem then includes the option of investing in a home battery, whereas the operational dispatch problem can be about charging your electric vehicle during off-peak hours.

The two decision problems are not independent. Clearly, past investment decisions have influenced the operational decision problem, but that can be considered water under the bridge. Those decisions have already been made. More importantly, one cannot think about future investments without considering dispatch decisions. For example, if reliability considerations mean we should curtail the amount of wind power we use, it will affect the trade-offs for investment. As a result, investment problems always encapsulate operational dispatch problems.

How to formulate a decision problem?

There are two key elements to the formulation of a mathematical decision problem: 

  1. Objective: Here, we define a quantity that is to be maximized or minimized. We might choose one of the three components of the energy trilemma, or we could try to balance them by placing them on the same footing. For example, if we assign a monetary value to reliability and carbon emissions, we can minimize the total costs. Whichever choice we make, in this setup we consider a decision optimal if it attains the best value of our objective, among all other possible options.
  2. Constrains: Our freedom to select an optimal decision is constrained by the limits of our system. For example, we cannot produce more power than a generator is physically capable of producing. We cannot spend money we do not have without resorting to a more expensive loan. This category can also include limits we choose to impose, such as limits on CO2 emissions or limits that ensure the physical safety of maintenance workers. 

Together, the objective and the constraints make up the decision problem. Once it has been formulated precisely, we can try to solve it. That is, we try to identify the optimal decision.

Complexity in decision making

Finding that optimal decision may be easy, or difficult – that depends on the problem. However, in general, we can define a few factors that significantly influence problem complexity. These factors are

  1. Timespan
    Decisions that only concern the short term are generally the simplest. At the other end of the scale, complexities stack up if we consider long-term plans or the impact that short-term decisions have on future decisions.
  2. Scale
    This is the most obvious factor of the problem you are dealing with. In a national electricity network, there are many more possible actions and constraints to consider than for the case of a single home.
  3. Uncertainty
    These could be uncertainties about the future – for example, related to the weather forecast – or uncertainties about the past and present – for example, if you are concerned about measurement errors. To deal with uncertainty: 
      • In the simplest case, we simply ignore them!
      • Doing one step better, we can define a range of scenarios and consider our decisions against each scenario.
      • At the very complex end, we may even consider the knowledge that we can re-assess our decisions later and we have the so-called “multi-stage stochastic programming” framework – which tends to be very complex to solve.


  • The fundamental balancing act between sustainability, affordability and reliability when designing and operating energy systems is known as the Energy Trilemma. 
  • In practice, these decision problems are often classified into investment – also known as planning – problems and operational problems, such as dispatch decisions. 
  • These decision-making problems are mathematically stated in terms of their objective and constraints 
  • The complexity of such problems is linked to the time span considered, the level of detail of the energy system and how we deal with uncertainty.

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Test Your learning

    4. Digital technology and Digital Transformation

    5. Questions and Contributions


    7. The Future: Zero Energy-Design

    8. Enabling urban resilience

    1. Smart City

    2. Smart City: Test Your learning

    3. Digital Twin

    4. Test Your Learning: Digital Twin

    5. Transactive Energy

    6. Test Your Learning: Transaktive Energy

    7. Blockchain

    8. Test your learning: Blockchain

    9. Data Ownership

    10. Test Your learning: Data Ownership

    11. Future of Power systems

    12. Test Your learning: Future

    13. New Business Roles in Power System

    14. Assignment: The impact of Digitzation on your environment

    1. Energy networks

    2. Test Your Learning: Network Models

    3. Transmission and Distribution Networks

    4. Test Your learning: T & D Networks

    5. Gas Networks

    6. Test your learning: Gas Networks

    7. Easy and complex models

    8. Test Your Learning. Easy & Complex Models

    9. Linear Solvers

    10. Test Your Learning: Linear Solver

    11. Optimal Power Flow

    12. Test Your Learning: Optimal Power Flow

    13. Grid Planning

    14. Assignment Tool: Vocareum

    15. Assignment: Computional Methods

    1. Trade-offs in Energy Systems

    2. Test your learning: Trade-offs Energy systems

    3. Trade-off of power decisions

    4. Test your learning: Trade-off Power Decisions

    5. Capacity Planning

    6. Test your learning: Capacity planning

    7. Optimal Scheduling

    8. Test Your learning: Optimal Scheduling

    9. Economic dispatch

    10. Test your learning: Economic Dispatch

    11. Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Energy systems

    12. Test Your learning: Multi-Energy systems

    13. Decision Making Perspectives

    14. Test Your learning: Decision Making Perspectives

    15. Ancillary Power Plants

    16. Batteries for Frequency Containment

    17. Assignment: Optimal Scheduling

    1. Machine learning for control of Energy Systems

    2. Test Your learning: Machine learning of Energy systems

    3. Machine Learning Modelling

    4. Test Your learning. ML Modelling

    5. Forecasting

    6. Test Your learning: Forecasting

    7. Dynamic Security Assessment

    8. Test Your learning Dynamic Security

    9. Situational Awareness : Customer Types

    10. Test Your Learning. Customer types

    11. Situational Awareness : Anomaly Detection

    12. Test Your learning. Anomaly Detection

    13. Control Surrogate Model

    14. Test your learning: Surrogate models

    15. Learning Control Actions

    16. Test your learning: Control Actions

    17. Machine Learning opportunities

    18. Future Energy Systems

    19. Assignment: Predicting cable overloading

    1. Cyber-Security of Energy Systems

    2. Test your learning: Cyber-Security

    3. IT-OT Networks of Power Systems

    4. Test your learning. IT OT

    5. Digital Substation

    6. Test Your Lerning: Substation

    7. Spoofing Attacks

    8. Test Your learning: Spoofing

    9. Cascading Failures

    10. Test Your failure. Cascading

    11. Mitigation of Cyber Threats

    12. IoT and Blockchain

    13. Test Your learning: Mitigation

    14. Utility Cybersecurity

    15. Utility Cyber-security. OT and IT Strategy

    16. Assignment

    17. Before you go...

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